Stránka 1 z 1 (8.2.2024)

Napsal: 09 úno 2024 16:13
od michal
Instalační soubor

Create Web Pages - Creating a web page with a large number of individuals in the file causes error 5 - FIXED
Data Entry - Locations Lat-long entry by hand produces errors - FIXED
Events - Other Event Pictures selection becoming un-ticked - FIXED
FamilySearch - Legacy FamilySearch has been updated to use the new Search API when calling the FamilySearch servers - UPDATE
Gedcom - Gedcom Export Improvements - UPDATE
Help - Help file has been updated - UPDATE
Reports - A significant error in report generating from the search list - FIXED
Reports - Chronology Comparison Report - Shared event showing up in the Life Range field - FIXED
Reports - Crash from Name/Search List Report - FIXED
Reports - Family Dictionary Report is showing the record selection twice at the top of each page after the first page - FIXED
Reports - Options/Settings Option "Other parents" makes duplicates - FIXED
Sources - Punctuation problem when a Basic format source title ends with a period - FIXED
User Interface - If a married couple has no children, if you hover over the children area you will see the spouses of the father's siblings - FIXED
Modul Charting nadále neobsahuje českou nápovědu. Postup zprovoznění české nápovědy v modulu Legacy Charting je popsán ve vlákně

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