Stránka 1 z 1 (12.12.2021)

Napsal: 14 pro 2021 16:11
od michal
[User Interface - Individual Information [frmInformation]] [frmInformation] is missing the Individual's Information Title Inconsistency - vyřešený.
[Internet - Search Internet] Can not sekect hubands alt names from wife. - vyřešený.
[Internet - Search Internet] Males can have married names but they're not available in Internet Search. - vyřešený.
[Reports - Chart Style] Formatted Notes overprint in FGR and other reports - uzavřený.
[Sources - Source Clipboard] Clear All button on Source Clipboard does not honor the default setting for Prompt for Detail set at Options > Customize 7.4 - uzavřený.
[Reports - Book Reports] Including long stories on Ancestor Book report causes the title of the report to appear even if you have the title turned off - uzavřený.
[View - Marriage List and Marriage List Report] Add Marriage User ID as an optional field in the Marriage List report - uzavřený.
[Reports - Other] When you have a file with many addresses you receive error 6 overflow when only living or only dead is selected - uzavřený.
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